
The idea behind this portfolio is to identify stocks that are flying under the radar, are starting to gain recent momentum and have decent growth potential. We invest in these select opportunities for short- to mid-term. We manage downside with active risk management. The goal is to let your winners run and cut down on losing positions to maximize your portfolio returns. This is a dynamic portfolio that changes every day and adapts to the market conditions. This portfolio is the gold standard for active investors looking to gain insights into what stock to buy, when to buy, when to exit, and what weightage the stock should be of your portfolio.

The idea behind this portfolio is to identify stocks that are flying under the radar, are starting to gain recent momentum and have decent growth potential. We invest in these select opportunities for short- to mid-term. We manage downside with active risk management. The goal is to let your winners run and cut down on losing positions to maximize your portfolio returns. This is a dynamic portfolio that changes every day and adapts to the market conditions. This portfolio is the gold standard for active investors looking to gain insights into what stock to buy, when to buy, when to exit, and what weightage the stock should be of your portfolio.


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